Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Simple Tips to Stay SAFE

Here are some tips that have been recommended by health officials. Know that the current social distancing - closing down schools, offices and businesses - has been proven to work against such events as the current pandemic, as history shows. To stay on top of your and others' health, just remember these easy, simple tips:

1. Practice social distancing, which is simply limiting all in-person social interactions as much as possible. Experts agree that staying apart is critical if we want to reduce the strain on our health care system and slow the spread of any virus. If you have school-age children and now their school is closed, they will not be safe if they are outdoors and going to malls, etc. They need to stay home to limit their chances of being exposed to the virus. 
2. Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. 
3. When coughing or sneezing, cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue. Cough into your sleeve.
4. Avoid touching door pull/push handles, and other public surfaces. Use your sleeve to cover your hands when opening doors, or simply use your elbow to push the door upon exiting. Use facilities-provided tissues to clean push handles on shopping carts, etc.  
5. Avoid handshaking. Use an elbow-bump or other non-contact means to greet friends, etc.
 6. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. Use your sleeve instead.
7. Maintain a safe distance from others in public. Six feet or more is recommended. Are you traveling or have travel plans? Consider canceling unnecessary travel plans. The travel of unknowing infected individuals moves a virus from one place to another. 
8. Most of all: Stay home, even if you feel well! Most individuals who later tested positive for the virus did not even know they were infected! Sure, it's boring staying home but staying well and healthy is important to you, your family and friends. Keep your and our communities and neighborhoods healthy and safe by staying home!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Have WE Learned from a historic past Pandemic Event

Want to read a good piece of history about what happens when officials ignore common sense and allow everyone to gather as if nothing was going on?

Remember: hindsight is better than nothing at all, and decades later, they will be talking in the future about how the current pandemic we are living, was controlled....  or not!

As you read this article, keep in mind how many people today have so far been infected and died, and compare those numbers that are listed in this article. There is just a little difference in numbers!
