Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thoughts of Kodak

I never knew this about you Kodak, but now that I DO know, how could I ever buy Kodak products again?

Since coming to the western New York (WNY), I've been hearing stuff about Kodak that I had never known nor suspected, but never had the time to check till now. What a letdown!

It seems most NYers and many others always knew that Kodak just dumped their toxic waste into Lake Ontario, and decades later, the lake is still a glowing mess.....  but who cares?

NOTE: Due to the timeliness of this archived article, some links may not be available.However, some of the links are still good, and are listed below.

Listed below is the original article link but as some of the links are no longer active, I decided to list those still-active instead. Here is a little tidbit I would have never believed!!!

Are YOU a longtime photographer and Kodak-user? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A little bit of this, a little bit of that (again)

Though this winter started late in western New York (WNY), I am thinking Mother Nature has fooled a lot of people who thought we'd get a little bit of snow this winter, and not anything like that big mess that fell back in 2014/15 or even the six months of winter snow back in 2017/18 when winter stuck it out till Spring! Even worst was the Buffalo snowstorm of 1977, when this whole area was paralyzed and cars were buried under the snow! Here's an article about that 1977 blizzard
Glass of a frozen front screen door!
I love the trees in the frozen "tundra"
Since I last posted, it's snowed three times more, but the in-between times were the warmest yet to date, getting up to the mid- and higher 40s. Those higher temps and a little rain melted all but the biggest piles of plowed snow in parking lots and roadside. 

As I write, it's snowed a few hours and everything is again white, but now it appears to be freezing rain. How fun!! As I have reported previously, WE aren't scared of weather extremes, and this winter we've been out in -17 temps and with gusting howling winds!
This tiny waterfall is cute in summer
BUT in winter, it is truly gorgeous!!!
This is the first time I've ever seen it completely frozen!
The last time we had to clear off the vehicle, it took over an hour after an evening and all-night session of freezing rain. It left about an quarter of an inch to - in some spots - a half-inch of frozen hard clear ice on the windshield and most parts of the vehicle! I haven't had to deal with ice like this since the mid-90s when I lived in Norfolk, Virginia! 
I know...  YOU can't even find your car.
Our car was luckily sheltered from the snow/wind
Just an example to show the depth.
This is probably about four inches or sooo

Not cracked windshield but cracked frozen ice, as I attempt
removing the ice and not crack the windshield in the process!!
Icicles hanging off the backside of our camping minivan 
Icicles everywhere, including from the front end!!

Thank goodness the windshield didn't crack!!

Frozen ice on passenger side of the car. Some of the
ice covering the rear view mirror was removed already
On the other hand, the amazingly gorgeous ice sculptures and abstract snowy drifts that look like someone's hairdo, always takes my breath away! 
Snapped through the window, these icicles were fabulous!
Even the trash can lid sprouted icicles!!
If you live in a icy cold area, have you been outside to admire what Nature has given us? Share your experiences, BUT be careful driving or walking around in the white stuff!!!

Are you seeing and hearing the strong winds too? It started yesterday and will continue all day till tonight Wednesday, but we have been experiencing strong winds about once a week for some time. Last night the winds were howling all night, and was louder than a steam train! Several times its direction shifted, but it still howled, just from a different direction!

Remember you can click on any image to see it bigger. Most of these pictures were snapped with my Samsung S5, which now needs to have its cache cleared about four times daily. The apps don't function correctly and often freeze or just close unexpectedly. Same with the bluetooth, and it's just being a pain. If you buy a samsung phone, be sure its update will continue or else you too will end up with a very annoying and non-functioning dumb phone, like I have right now!
Down on the river named Niagara, there's LESS ice than last year
at this same period of February. BUT, that's a lot of ice cubes!!!
Looking north to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada 

UPDATE 4:35pm Wednesday: Almost whiteout conditions with over 25mph winds blowing snow 
If you can't see and you need to use your wipers, your lights
 should be ON to improve visibility. Be careful while outside!

Not to forget all those little piggies enjoying a
birthday during this year's Chinese New Year,
Happy Chinese New Year!