When I got to the bank, I saw the manager in his office and asked my usual question about refinancing my spanish apartment with an american bank so I can quit losing $400+ monthly on conversion between the stronger euro and the weaker dollar. Of course I knew the answer would be negative but I always hope for a pleasant surprise and a positive reply instead.
I returned home using a different route taking me up to the steep hills of Nob Hill - I needed this exertion as I haven't walked in so many months. The frigid wind whipped around the corners as I reached the top but it was refreshing. An unseen ambulance blaring with sirens zipped by on another street... I didn't care. I passed by an apartment building with ornate windows and pulled out my cell to snap a picture... a woman walking a small brown dog watched me as she stepped closely behind me. Her expression told of unknown and unseen horrors; hopefully it wasn't her windows!

I walked down a steep hill where city workers dressed in bright orange vests were busily sweeping and pushing brooms. I greeted the two of seven nearest me, wishing them a good morning and to take care, and they politely smiled and returned the greeting.
At the top of the next hill at Taylor and Union, across the street a couple stood next to a parked car, looking to the bay where their cameras pointed. I looked past their cameras and smiled, and they smiled back. Stepping onto to Union Street a MUNI bus stopped, and the air hissed as the bus "kneeled" and dropped four inches to the ground as an elderly woman stepped gingerly off the bus and walked away, cane in hand. I waved to the bus driver as he waited for me to walk past in front of his bus before driving off.
Ouch that has to hurt losing that much money on your home loan conversions. What a shame your bank manager says no.
I like your descriptions of what you see and do. Your writing is really good :) Why don't you go back to Spain and stay there??
Hello and thank you! Hoping you are well and sorry about this very late reply. I never realized approval was necessary for ALL comments to my blogs! What a surprise!! Yes, why don't I stay and live in Spain? Not that easy. One must apply for legal residence in all countries, the USA being no exception. It's very complicated.... Thanks again
Yes, it has been! The last few years the exchange rate has been MUCH better (thank goodness!). Plus, last year I finished paying off my mortgage a year early!!!
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