Mr. Fototaker. yea right. I wish everyone could lead a month in my shoes. In the two plus years in San Francisco, I walk around with no money in my pockets, because I didn't have any. I would ask for pocket money from my sister but that was always used to buy things for her....
Now I am returning to my empty apartment in southern Spain. Yeaaaaa, you're thinking what a great life. Well, I've been saving up my money (wot money) over these last few years in the states so I can do the maintenance I need to get my apt back to living condition again. I just paid a small fortune (seems that way for me) to ship my stuff to the East Coast and later hope to fly in the winter months to get my stuff, two suitcases at a time. yea yea yeaaaa, what a great life!!!
I just shipped out 20 damn large boxes, suitcases and plastic containers full of my USA life. I thought it would be NO more than 10, so when did this stuff all come from? Plus I never have money to buy anything,..... where did it all come from? To enlighten you a bit: my "souvenirs" are usually my own photos or a receipt from a bus ride, the entry fee paid to enter a state park, etc and I do have a LOT of those; or a free brochure from some place I stopped at.... wow!! this guy's got some great memories!!!!
Yea, yea, yeaaaaaaa what a great life!
So, now everyone thinks I got this great free "benefit" of flying any where free. "Come visit, you can fly free".... yea right.
So I sit in a military terminal in the middle of nowhere, can't go anywhere because I'll have two huge suitcases to watch and lug around! How fun.....
What a great Life!!!!
So, I sit there waiting for a flight and it may take a day or a month (it's happened before) but heck: it's free!!! I love sitting there reading too dam many books, not taking a shower for days/weeks and hey, I don't have to dress down or get dressed every night or morning!! Plus those airport bench chairs are sooo comfortable too!!
Yea right. What a great Life!!!!
Let's see: 560 lbs of stuff shipped to the East Coast. Two suitcases to fill up.... wait for another flight, sitting there all day and it's not open at night, so I have to leave each day and go "somewhere". Maybe a shady tree on the runway would be nice? It shouldn't take more than a few years of flying back and forth, right?
Yea, yea, yeaaaaaaa what a great life!
ooooh, go stuff it!!!! I am goneeeeeeee (but still not done packing nor cleaning!!!)