as forecast, it did rain almost all day Tuesday and again on Thursday. Both days brought out some fantastic storm clouds - the type seen in documentaries or movies that make your heart rate increase.

I took a break Thursday night to get to the beach as the little sky I could see form my windows hinted of sunbeams - later there weren't but I wasn't worried too much.
So, I went out to shoot the sunset and I saw this huge rain cloud - actually two of them. One floated over the Atlantic and was huge....

another was to the north and slightly off the coast. I knew that I would get hit by this cloud as the wind comes from off the shoreline, and eventually

as I snapped pixs of the sand designs and sand-trees

I got completely and totally POURED on!! The storm clouds were however great and when the rain came down continually harder, and the wind picked up even more, that's when I decided I wasn't waterproof and walked slowly towards a sun tarp set up on the boardwalk for a cafeteria. I was eventually content I got myself out of the rain as it lasted a good 10 - 15minutes!! As the rain subsided I returned to the water's edge, and as I turned to the south - from where I walked originally, I saw a huge complete rainbow starting over Rota and ending in the Atlantic!

By this time my shoes and socks were completely drenched along with fototaker, but he was at least happy he saw a Rota rainbow!!

More pictures are on my
foto site.
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