Friday, November 30, 2018

Seeing YOU while seeing Me

Just a side-note about two photographers, with two different brands of cameras, but one passion: getting that image!

That is US in a heartbeat!

In general, photographers are difficult to capture on film, mainly because they are behind the camera often. Usually others won't think to photograph a photographer while working simply because, they work in photography and they "probably" should have a few pixs of themselves already.

How farther from the truth that can be sometimes!!

I hate how I look in any picture, and have avoided being in images for as long as I have carried a camera, and my first camera was a SLR when I was in my mid-teens. I have managed to stay out of pictures till I left Spain in 2006, when I then wanted to share my "life" behind cameras in so many different places, with my Spanish amigos, so I sort of have given consent to have my image captured on virtual film, and sometimes with strikingly good results! 


Now married to a photographer, I have been photographing her daily, especially since she is so lovely and unknowing of my intents! I love having snapped her in Spain, in San Francisco, along the Delaware coast, in rain and in fog, on frozen lake/river ice and freezing cold snowy areas, as I have seen my love with camera in hand, and love how intent she is in seeing the World through her lens.

It's a sight to behold!

Here are two images of us, as I snapped her, and unknowingly, she snapped me too. 

hahahahaaaa ~ enjoy!
First she gets me in a scene by the Upper Niagara River
I see her later and snap her as the sun drops lower
 as the golden hour arrives to surround her in liquid gold.
That's my Sheila!

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