Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thoughts of Kodak

I never knew this about you Kodak, but now that I DO know, how could I ever buy Kodak products again?

Since coming to the western New York (WNY), I've been hearing stuff about Kodak that I had never known nor suspected, but never had the time to check till now. What a letdown!

It seems most NYers and many others always knew that Kodak just dumped their toxic waste into Lake Ontario, and decades later, the lake is still a glowing mess.....  but who cares?

NOTE: Due to the timeliness of this archived article, some links may not be available.However, some of the links are still good, and are listed below.

Listed below is the original article link but as some of the links are no longer active, I decided to list those still-active instead. Here is a little tidbit I would have never believed!!!

Are YOU a longtime photographer and Kodak-user? What are your thoughts?

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