It's not everyday, but we go to stores here and there, a few times a week. It's nice to get out and look around, to see new products on the shelves, and see others out and about too. But I am seeing some things that I am not enjoying at all.
Shirts, blouses and other clothing made in Vietnam, India and many other countries, including China.
Tools and machinery made in overseas factories.
An increasing amount of items displaying a label or description of their product, to the effect that it was "designed in the USA but assembled" elsewhere.....
It's a growing trend that is increasing every week, much to my disappointment.
You probably think "Why?" would this bother me.... YOU too should just take a minute or longer to think about it, and you too would be troubled.
Each day, the population of the United States grows. It decreases also, due to deaths, but in general it increases. More births add to this, along with others legally migrating to this grand new world. Remember, most world countries had developed and grown while the USA as we know it, has only been around for a few centuries. Other civilizations have been already housing their people, been adequately clothed, and had weapons, long before the Americas were conquered and populated by other Nations.
As our population expands with the new, more people are still growing and living longer years. What does this mean? Many new Americans will be born, grow, be hopefully educated, even more hopefully will find work, grow to a ripe age when you will hopefully retire, or as is being seen in these current times, still continue to work beyond your 70s simply because the retirement fund - whether it's Social Security or your own retirement nest-egg, or a combination of both or all - is just not adequate due to inflation.
What does this mean?
With this growing population, there will not be enough jobs for everyone. Some positions in critical fields will always hire qualified experienced people in areas of nursing, emergency services, to name some. Other fields which are not high-paying or critical, will always be available in the always-open service fields, and general construction, BUT what happens when someone does not want to work in a occupation that they feel is not suited for their mind and talents?
Here's the other tickler that many are not thinking about.... Many big companies have moved their factories overseas. We are seeing less things being proudly designed, built and sold in the USA and overseas. To you as a citizen of this great country, and hopefully currently working, if you want to move into another occupation, that may or not be possible due to many factors, such as age and experience, area and season, and even the occupation itself. One thing that is apparent: LESS products are being made in the USA, and if this trend continues, you will see less need for such occupations that make these once made in the USA but now being made overseas, as companies continue to move its building facilities overseas, which is taking JOBs away from Americans and supporting employment in other countries instead.
More people are seeing their jobs disappear to overseas strangers that do not live in their community here, shop in their downtown here, or even play and picnic in the local America city and town parks.
As a result, there are more American unemployment, there are more foreclosure of American homes, there is more families that are moving - if they are that lucky at all - into smaller homes, or simply moving onto the streets of American that were once busy with people and business, but now dirty, unkept and abandoned.
Should you and I be concerned about this? I seriously think so! Should you and your neighbors and friends be concerned about this?
WHO do you want to have your old job? It'd be best if you still had that job, or at the very least have it go to another American, but instead, it went to an unknown individual somewhere in this huge world, and while they are being paid a lower wage, thanks to many American companies, they are at least working!
If this trend continues, more companies will move overseas and
those moves will put more Americans into the unemployment lines.
What does that mean?
Less taxes being paid to local and federal governments. Less working Americans which mean less community and more broken families. Less workers in this country means more abandonment of buildings, downtown areas, and communities. What this all means is more homelessness in America while the same companies that moved their business overseas, is still selling YOU their products, and could care less if anyone in this country is employed.
What can we do to make our resentment of these companies known?
QUIT buying their products. If YOU see your toaster, clothes, shoes, toys or anything else you may buy, was made in a foreign country, do NOT BUY it. If that product does not display the words that it was PROUDLY made entirely in the United States of America, then you should look for a similar product that was made in the USA, or take your business to another shop that DOES sell American-made products!
But you live day-to-day or month-to-month on a tight budget. You don't have enough money to spend on another similar item because it's priced too high for your wallet/purse.
We need to support American-made products just as much as you/we supported those companies which moved out of the USA, and could care less if other Americans are employed or not.
Post your product pictures and share your mind/wallet with words on your social media, to let your friends and family know how upset you are with the LACK of American-made products and how good/bad those things being produced in foreign countries are!
Boycott stores and products that are not made of good quality and are made overseas. Demand your stores and malls continue to support Americans and America by only selling American-made products; they will not know how you feel unless you tell them. You can call them, you can email them, and you can walk into their stores and demand your spoken feelings be passed to a
supervisor/manager that will convey customers' opinions to their management. You can email or write letters to company presidents or CEOs to tell them you want quality products made again in the USA, and you will NOT buy their products that are made outside the USA.
YOU need to voice your concern by letting everyone who will listen, and ensure your voice, and our voices is heard and impacts their future as it has impacted the lives and careers of many Americans.
If WE do NOT buy American and support American products made by companies IN the USA, then we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for how the unemployment has risen, and how homelessness of families increases.
Also, quit buying in shopping MALLs, which take business away from small local downtown and area city/town businesses, and results in your/our downtown areas being abandoned and ugly. An abandoned downtown or any area is not safe, is not pretty, and promotes NO growth or business of that area. An area abandoned by businesses and its people, will be abandoned by its local government and can even impact your local taxes.
I personally want to enter ANY store, and quit saying out loud (as I currently do) that nothing is made in the USA anymore, and if China is making everything we have in America?
Is anything you see in a single day NOT made in China? It's time to change that to Made in the USA!
Friday, May 24, 2019
NOT Made in the USA
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