Monday, February 13, 2023

Warm and sunny in western New York!

Again not a recent sunset but just the typical golden sight seen on the upper Niagara year-round. We feel so lucky to be witness to such fabulous displays of color, textures and of the Beauty of Nature. I actually had to tone down the saturation because the golden brightness actually hurt my eyes ~ really!

How are your sunsets where you are?

We were out at the Falls yesterday when I noticed someone littering with a huge trash bin not even three feet from them. I mentioned the litter to them and they looked surprised. I haven't been to many places in this vast world, but I have been to a few places. It seems that all the tourist-popular areas are always littered with even the most basic trash: forks, take-out trays, the very popular trash of cigarette butts....  and of course the dog poop by people who live near a park or green area, and allow their pet to poop without picking up. 

Why are people even trashing the environment, let alone some attraction or scenic viewing area, that's a joy to see unless you look down, and notice the mass amount of trash on the ground? Or have we become so accustomed to trashing our own areas at home, the local store etc, that we no longer think of it and everything just gets dropped/thrown on the ground?

Please folks: if you bring it in, take it out with out. Usually there's a trash bin close to you. Please use it. Please teach your kids to dispose of their trash properly no matter where they are. Encourage and enforce that by being the example they need to see!

Humans: the messiest species of the planet, not only killing their home world but polluting it everyday with even more trash. Like we haven't done enough to destroy the planet and its natural beauty, we have to slowly trash it too!


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