Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Isn't it Time?

I remember as a kid, I would marvel looking at the books of maps and seeing the world as I might have imagined it back then. The Atlas was my favorite book in the libraries I'd visit, and I would flip slowly the pages to see all the different maps, all the different countries, and the different continents. 

I never would have imagined in my later years, I would be crossing so many seas and oceans, traveling those unseen routes to different parts of this growing-smaller planet, on so many different naval vessels.

I also remember marveling at the sight of all that massive white of the North Pole, the South Pole, and the most-northern/southern land masses....  I wondered what type of animals or humans would live where it would be Winter, cold, and snow-covered almost year-round....  WHO would live in such extremes?

How sad it is now, to look at the maps, or even spin the rotating sphere we call home, and look at the virtual maps online and off, and does anyone even bother to notice that all those vast white snow-covered countries of yesteryear, are not white any longer?

Where has all that snow disappeared to? What will happen when ALL the snow melts from the Earth, and even in Winter the warmer climates will change the Winters as we know it, and snow will fall, but at a very reduced rate as compared to previous Winters? 

There is now a generation of people who have not seen a Black and White television. They don't understand how tin cans connected by string can be used as a telephone. What will they say or do when confronted with a real telephone that doesn't fit in a pocket, and is still connected by a short cable? And will this generation realize that snow will be a rare commodity perhaps not seen in vast amounts any longer?

When even some leaders of the free world do not think climate change is a real and growing threat, who will fight against or with those who say the sky is falling, and the oceans will rise and swallow whole cities and coastlines?

I won't even mention the fires, floods and the drying of the earth that will affect all countries. 

Who will say that something is wrong and must be changed? 

Who will allow their life to change in order for this dying planet to live longer, but with the humans continuing to rape the land, murdering all breathing species including his own, and grabbing everything the planet has to give, and taking all for themselves? 

Isn't it time to get back to basics, giving the land back what was before taken without regard? 

Isn't it time to look to the skies, and see what is happening when the rain doesn't fall any longer, and when it does, it doesn't irrigate the countryside, but flood and destroys everything instead?

Isn't it time to start dreaming, thinking of a new life here, instead of populating another planet and destroying that planet too, as humans have destroyed this planet? 

Isn't it Time?