Saturday, July 18, 2020

Looking SKYward to NeoWise

The comet C/2020 F3 (NeoWise) has been on the news and online for weeks now, and it's the brightest comet seen so far this year! 
Over the Niagara Falls on 14 July (comet is at far right corner in the clouds)
Sheila and I have been snapping pixs of it for three days, not including last Wednesday when we had thunderstorms most of the day and night so it was impossible to see. We have also been trying to get the comet in different WNY locations, and so far succeeding! The last time I saw a comet at all, was in Rota, Spain back in the late 90s, and I remember seeing that comet even during the day hours, it was soooo bright!!! No pictures from that as it was still my film days, but how I remember the details so well!!
At Niawanda over the Radisson Hotel Niagara Falls-Grand Island
So do YOU look up to the sky at night? We do, and so should you!! The comet has been in the NW sky now, and "rising" each following day even higher than the night previous. We have even tried to see it, and with success, even on cloudy days when the forecast cloud cover was less 50%. Good luck!!

Both above pixs while at Old Fort Niagara last night