Sunday, October 13, 2019

When is the last time you planted a tree?

I sincerely believe that this journey we call Life, has always been not about now, but in planning for the future. If not, how can anyone hope for a future you can be happy with, and to live and grow in?

This weekend, Sheila and I participated in a huge tree-planting project in Wedgwood Park, a park we often visit for its trails, and with Sheila's grandchildren for its huge interactive and traditional playground.  

So we walked over Saturday morning with borrowed shovel in hand to the park, meeting up with many other Grandville, MI residents, and after a demonstration on how to prepare a tree to be planted, then moved out in small groups to areas where trees were sitting next to pre-dug pits, in today's plan to plant over 70 trees in the park!

That's a LOT of trees!!

Of the three types planted, White Birch was the majority, being an area native along with its adaptability to the climate. It was also very heavy as the many volunteers discovered, and had to be wrestled into 2-3 foot pits already dug and waiting to be filled. The roots were encased in a ball of clay making it even heavier!
Signing in to provide Hope for a Green Future!
Volunteers waiting for tree-planting to begin
This tree still awaits its new home
All this happened thanks not only to the city of Grandville and ReLeaf Michigan, but also through a green partnership between the city with the Davey Resource Group, the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Urban and Community Forestry Program, and the Grandville Community Tree Project
Words from Kyla Bos, Grandville Community Tree Project

More words and demonstrations of planting who know about trees
Getting out more words about tree-planting
This being written and posted after the fact, I'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone who showed up very early last Saturday morning in Grandville, Michigan to assist with the tree-planting, and to make the community more green now, and in the future!!  
Holes dug, trees ready for the new home!
Trees just aren't able to step into into their home by themselves

ABOVE: Newly-planted trees look nice in their new home
at Wedgwood Park!

When was the last time you planted a tree? Use any excuse you want: an anniversary, a wedding, a memorial for someone dear to your heart....  any reason!
Plan now for your future with a tree...  and for a greener planet now!

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