Thursday, December 6, 2018

Memories of Spanish Sunsets

I'm always sifting through something or another....  this time I shifted my attention to my virtual negatives. In fact, I saw one that I liked so much, and hasn't been posted ever, so now it is posted! 

Many say my images are darkish, but that's how I capture them. Sometimes I may lighten a little, but just enough to have that image display as when I first spotted it. I edit very little, and dislike working hours on an image. I rarely have time these days for anything, so why should I plant myself in front of a monitor even more?

Hoping you'll like this ~ if you've been to Rota, you'll recognize it's a sunset of the northern beaches of Rota, where the historic "corrales" are located. Built centuries ago when people had to use wit and wisdom to accomplish anything and survive, they used their hands and back to pick up rocks, building a corral from the beach and extending out some distance. When the tides came in, the waters brought in the fish. When those tides went out, the fish stayed. 

Good idea if I may say so!!

Click here to see this great Rota sunset - opens in a separate window
Above link now doesn't link as the image has been deleted.
You can click to see other images which has since been displayed

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