Friday, August 2, 2019

Gerry, New York Volunteer Fire Department 75th Annual Rodeo

We departed the Falls yesterday Thursday to this quaint little town SE of us and about 2 hours by car. The rodeo fairgrounds itself was quiet and empty till about 5pm when the vendor stands came alive, opening up to visitors. 
This row of beef is almost ready after checking. It's been cooking all day
Sacks of peeled and cut potatoes are ready to be boiled, then fried (very tasty!)
The cooks ready fried potatoes for today's 5pm meal
Potatoes are readied to be boiled
Frying potatoes is a very hot chore on a very HOT day
Behind the potato pits, it looks all very cool and busy
Sacks of potatoes wait to be readied to be fried
Between boiling, frying potatoes and checking the BEEF, there's always time for a chat

This was also the time the line began for the BBQ meal, of which the cooking begins hours before, and keeps many hands busy! Everything related to the BBQ meal was very organized and the meal was great, including a drink of one item plus water or coffee, and even ice cream!
Our tickets for the BBQ dinner!
The meal ticket line was MUCH longer than seen here!
Serving line for veggies, beef, sauces and salad!
Sheila gets her meal
We opted for interior eating w/cool air and tables without flies
What a great meal and for a great cause too! Very tasty though I opted OUT of the BBQ sauce

Though we saw the little piggy, we didn't get a picture of the radio station 95.7 WPIG mascot pig at the fairgrounds, but thought that was very unique! You'll also be able to smile more during the rodeo with Greg Simas, a very excellent radio-voice master of ceremony, who guides everyone through the actual rodeo, which starts very punctually at 8pm, and with a surprise fireworks show after the last rodeo event.
Enjoyed this rodeo destination signs
An old fire engine restored by Gerry's fire dept!
We had camped out at the fairgrounds after the rodeo, then woke early this morning, deciding to take a slow leisurely drive home to visit with several family members, finally arriving home about 5pm. We folded up and took our folding bicycles which always causes a stir and turns heads everywhere we ride our bikes. We used the bikes to tour the little town a bit while waiting for the fair and rodeo to begin. Another first is that we used a popup tent we just purchased. We had a great time!

For those who enjoy racing, this weekend is the annual Thunder on the Niagara, and we plan to be snapping the boat races on the upper Niagara River tomorrow and Sunday, so expect to see pixs of that soon! Here's a hint of the races to come, these snapped in 2017! It's LOUD!!!

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