Saturday, February 11, 2023

Another Sunny Day with Blue Skies, plus other thoughts!

BUT those blue skies were just patches of blue, though that sun did feel good, but there was little heat from the sun as the winds were blowing so the windchill was an average of 10 degrees BELoW freezing!!

Swans on the Run!

I delighted in seeing the Canada Geese flying as usual but then a flock of swans flew by to their favorite destination about a mile up the river. 


How's the wildlife where you are? 

With Valentine's Day coming up, I've been wondering about the various places and eateries struggling to get our attention and business. What I want to know is WHY after all the hype, the medical reviews and suggestions given, do restaurants and other eateries still offer their clientele foods that will most likely either kill them soon, give them medical problems within a short time, or worst: make them so unhealthy, that even walking will with difficulty, if at all! 

Why does the american foods business care only serving unhealthy foods that will promote a lot of business in a few years, to the medical system? Does the restaurant and food service industry even care about my and your health? I guess that is a resounding NO, but it seems their message to the clients is to continue coming in to keep us in business before you start to get sick and die! When I go out to eat, I always look through the fatty and junk food listed in the menu, and it seems these days the only alternative for me at my not-young age, is to eat seafood, and most of the time it's fried! So, it's salmon again! Have you also noticed that IF vegetables are served, it's a tiny amount - so small that even a squirrel would be starving! Vegetables are so minimal in cost, it should be the food item on their menu that has the bigger font type and size, not to mention when served, it should be a huge amount!

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