Monday, February 20, 2023

Listening to Spanish Sports on my new Phone!

One of the hardest things in this modern technology-filled Life is adjusting to a new phone! Really! I only started with "smartphones" in the 21st century, so it's still quite a new world to me. The advantages are incredibly large, but so are the many wrong calls, spams, and always being tied to the phone! These days, the phone can be actually more important than your wallet! Of course I haven't used a wallet in decades, since it is always being lost, but my phone almost never. Sure there's the occasional misplacing it, so someone needs to call your phone to figure out where it is ~ try that when you live alone!!

I had NO idea my old Galaxy a50 had a FM radio! I saw no app for it when it initially arrived, and just found out now while doing features and specifications comparison between my old and phones I was interested in. I just tried it out on my new UMIDIGI Bison GT2 and it does function and quite well. My wife had a phone that had a FM radio also, but it required a headphone to be plugged in plus wifi to operate. 

On this phone, the headphones are not required - I just tested it and have now downloaded Marca Cadiz to my new phone so I can keep up to date anywhere I can get reception, with my favorite Spanish teams ~ Hala Madrid! As it's February I know the Carnevale has already started in the provincia de Cadiz and now am thinking of adding another app to my phone so I can listen in to the chirigotas online via the radio! 


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